
Our first selection from amongst the poems submitted in response to our call for poems is "Quiddities" by Rachael Briggs.

Rachael Briggs is a research fellow in philosophy who splits her time between the Australian National University and Griffith University.  She is currently thinking about the nature of wellbeing (she maintains, in the face of apparent counterexamples, that it consists in getting what you want) and about the best way to do decision theory.  She also writes poetry in her spare time.  Her first collection of poems, Free Logic, is available from University of Queensland Press.

Project member and poet Ray Hsu made the final selections with a view to the criterion in the call for submissions: we're looking for poetry that makes us think something new about romantic love. Ray's expert assessment, in response to the arrival of Rachael's poems in his inbox:

We'll be posting four more submitted poems here over the course of the next few weeks. Thanks again to everyone who submitted; we are looking forward to running more poetry of love events in the near future!

And now without further ado, please enjoy "Quiddities".