
What do YOU think romantic love is? The Metaphysics of Love Project wants to know!

How does romantic love feature in your life? (Or how doesn't it?) What purpose does it serve? What value does it have?

As Valentine's Day approaches, many people are already thinking about the nature of romantic love. Why not think these thoughts out loud and make a contribution to a philosophical research project while you're at it?

Simply tweet your ideas using the hashtag #romanticloveis. Or if you are not a Twitter user, feel free to leave a comment on this blog post.

Do you think ... 
#romanticloveis a fantasy?
#romanticloveis the most important thing in the world?
#romanticloveis fun while it lasts?
#romanticloveis a great idea in principle?

Tweet your ideas about what #romanticloveis and you might find you spark some interesting conversations. Plus you'll be helping The Metaphysics of Love Project gather valuable perspectives on a philosophically puzzling phenomenon!