Seriously, All Of These Things Just Happened (And a Bunch More I Can't Even Fit Into One Post)

Unmissable photo opportunity at the studios of Roundhouse Radio in Vancouver.

Unmissable photo opportunity at the studios of Roundhouse Radio in Vancouver.

The weeks around Valentine's Day get busy around here! Everyone suddenly wants to talk love, and the Metaphysics of Love Project is very happy to oblige. Here is a quick round-up of some of this year's highlights.

Readings and events

  • Book launch at UBC Bookstore, February 1st
    Talk about setting off on the right foot. I was joined by co-conspirators Marina Adshade and Mandy Len Catron, and we read to a warm and welcoming crowd.
  • Powell's City of Books, February 13th
    A beautiful evening in a dream location. This bookstore is absolutely the bee's knees and I was honoured to read to a full and lively room.
  • Seattle Town Hall, February 14th
    A historic building hosting new ideas -- a perfect combination. I talked about wisdom, privilege, and radical love. Audience members left me literally moved to tears when they came to talk to me afterwards. In the future when things are hard and I feel like giving up, as often happens to me with this work, I will remember these folks and what it meant to them for me to get up there and say those things.

Press coverage




Last but not least, one of my personal favourite highlights from this week: a shout out from Reggie Watts, who turns out to be a fan of the book. (Yes, that's a real thing that really happened in the actual world.)

When I look at all this, the levels of utter exhaustion I am experiencing right now make a lot of sense. See you again when I've caught my breath, maybe slept for a few days ...