Earlier this year saw the launch of the Knowledge Beyond Natural Science project. This is a major research project on which I'm a co-investigator, hosted at the University of Stirling. For most of the year I participate in the project's two weekly research seminars via videoconference,* but I also get to spend five weeks of each project year based in Stirling.
Stirling's castle and its Wallace Monument are famous, but I'm also stumbling on less well-known bits of history. To the right is a photo I took on an evening stroll to Cambuskenneth Abbey.
This Sunday at 6:30pm I'll be giving a Public Lecture, which will be followed by a "Café Philosophique" (informal discussion of themes from the lecture). Both are free and open to all, and are taking place at the Stirling Court Hotel (on the beautiful Stirling campus).
I'm very excited to present, for the first time, some new empirical research I'm working on together with collaborators Nick Fitz, Natalia Washington, and Chapman Waters. We asked our study subjects to report on (among other things) what they consider love to be. Here's a sneak preview of one of the slides from my lecture, where I discuss what I'm calling the "Haddaway Effect!"
*Side note: I'm a huge fan of how videoconferencing makes accessible so many things I couldn't otherwise attend. Most recently, I was able to sit in on a SWIP/BPA conference in Manchester on The Profession We Want. My thanks to the organizers for making this possible.