I really enjoyed presenting material from the manuscript of my new book What Love Is And What It Could Be at the recent Eastern APA in Washington. The audience were fantastic, and asked some deep and intriguing questions during the Q&A.
My talk was part of an invited colloquium on the philosophy of romantic love organized by Susanne Sreedhar. I appeared alongside Professors Berit Brogaard and Michael Smith, and the room was full throughout. It's awesome to see romantic love getting this level of attention in academic philosophy.
Over on the newly-minted Official Blog of the APA, Justin Caouette has a brief round-up of the conference, including our session.
I also had a chance to meet my editor Quynh Do of Basic Books in person for the first time, which was fabulous. Basic Books will be releasing What Love Is And What It Could Be in around a year's time, and Quynh helped me understand a lot more about all that happens between manuscript submission and publication. I'm now really excited about the process, as well as (of course) the product.
Current mood: Let's do this thing!