It's that time of year when the world gets interested in romantic love ...
Eastern APA
New Year, New Things ...
This week I'm taking a trip to Washington, D.C., where I'll be reading selections from the manuscript of What Love Is and What It Could Be at the Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association. This will be the first public appearance of material from the manuscript, which is exciting (if a little nerve-wracking) ...
Interview at Philosophical Percolations
J. Edward Hackett and I discuss the metaphysics of love (and the Metaphysics of Love Project) ...
Works In Progress
Epistemologically speaking, we are rarely in a position to accept surveys or scientific studies as the arbiters of deep and difficult philosophical debates, or to accept unquestioningly whatever they may appear to be telling us. This is never clearer than when the subject is something so metaphysically fraught and poorly understood as romantic love, yet the epistemological complexities of this particular situation are rarely given their due ...